Over 5,300 Postal Workers in the US Experience Dog Bites during Mail Delivery

According to a new report from the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), more than 5,300 postal workers across the U.S. were bitten by dogs last year.

22:11 18/06/2023

The figures made the list of states with the most employees hit, with California leading the way and Texas coming in second. Experts warn of this situation and call for proactive action on the part of homeowners and dog owners to minimize these unwanted accidents.

Nationwide, the USPS recorded 5,300 cases of postal workers being attacked by dogs in the previous year. California recorded the highest number of cases, with 675 cases, up from 656 in 2021. It was followed by Texas with more than 400 cases, New York with 321 cases, and Pennsylvania with 313 cases.

Mail delivery in the US, more than 5,300 postal workers were bitten by dogs.

According to the USPS, ɱaпy cases occur when a mail delivery worker is bitten by a dog shortly after the landlord insists “my dog is not biting!” Linda DeCarlo, USPS Senior Director of Occupational Safety and Health, said dogs that attack mail delivery workers are often seen as “good dogs and have no history of threatening behavior.”

DeCarlo urged the community to work together to reduce the number of employees bitten by dogs by being responsible pet owners and protecting dogs when USPS agents come to deliver mail. The USPS says dog owners take important responsibility for controlling dogs and ensuring safety in mail delivery.

The U.S. Postal Service also emphasizes that postmen are well aware that all types of dogs can bite, including those that are thought to be non-aggressive. Dogs usually guard their territory, so the USPS also recommends customers keep dogs in their homes or fences, and keep them away from doors or leashes during the ᴛι̇ɱe the postɱaп arrives. This is to avoid unfortunate situations and ensure the safety of both postal workers and dogs.

The cause of dog attacks on postal workers can be explained by the natural nature of dogs. They have a defensive nature and may perceive a courier’s approach to home as a threat. However, the role of the host and dog owner is important to control and minimize conflict situations.

Linda DeCarlo also emphasized that ensuring the safety of postal workers is a shared responsibility of the community. She encouraged everyone to work together to reduce the number of employees being attacked by dogs by educating about dog owner responsibilities, dog control and providing a safe environment for mail delivery.

USPS is increasing its training of employees to recognize signs of danger from dogs and how to respond to dangerous situations. They are also researching and adopting additional measures to protect couriers, such as designing safer mail bags and smarter delivery methods.

The issue of dogs attacking mail delivery workers is not only a danger to employees, but also a public safety issue. USPS is seeking support from local and community governments to ensure that any dog safety and control regulations are strictly enforced.