Why put potted plants indoors? Currently, air pollution is a major concern of the world, affecting huɱaп health and life. With infrastructure space tending to be concreted, planting trees is really necessary to reduce pollution. Green plants bring ɱaпy benefits to huɱaпs, to regulate the air, create a cool living space, potted indoor plants are the first choice of ɱaпy people. Green potted plants bring fresh space, reduce stress after hard working hours as well as bring positive energy to homeowners. Here are the places to place potted plants indoors that you need to know:

Potted indoor plants

1. Entrance

It is recommended to plant flowers along the entrance to the house, or plant small ornamental plants or simply place two potted plants on either side of the door. However, do not plant trees with too big a canopy, because according to feng shui, trees that are too big will block all the light entering the house and make your house darker. What plants should be planted at the entrance:

Potted Areca Tree:

Areca Canh tree has a slender shape, pleasant green color brings good luck, so choose the size of the pot suitable for the entrance space. Do not choose pots that are too large to avoid covering the passage and creating a feeling of claustrophobι̇a in front of the house.

Potted ornamental areca

Potted Five Family Plants:

With a compact shape, the tree is often placed to beautify the sides of the door, promote health, purify the atmosphere and have the ability to repel mosquitoes. In addition, the tree also has a feng shui meaning that brings good fortune and fortune to the owner.

Potted with Five Jiayi

2. Living room

The living room is a common place for the family, where there are ɱaпy people and small children should avoid trees with sharp thorns, choose plants with a round shape, moderate canopy, not too thick to create green space for the house but do not take up too much space.

Potted with Kim Tien Tree:

The Money tree is chosen by ɱaпy people because of the concept that bringing money and luck to the owner, is a favorite plant to put in the living room. A well-proportioned tree shape does not take up much space.

Money Tree

Leader of Phu Quy tree:Phu Quy tree is in the group of plants that have the ability to filter the air to prevent dust. Putting potted plants in the house helps to freshen the air and improve health. Red-pink leaves help the living space become more beautiful, fresher, more brilliant.

rich tree

Leader of Kim Ngan tree:ɱaпy people choose the Kim Ngan tree because it brings prosperity and wealth. Not only bring luck to you but also to each family member. In feng shui, there is almost no contradiction with any destiny.

receive honeysuckle

3. Office roomYou can choose a potted plant that is suitable for the area of ​​your office, you should choose a table pot with a compact size, or choose a potted plant in the corner of the wall of the room, be careful not to leave the potted plant at the door. workroom. If the room has windows, you can put hanging pots to save space such as:

Leader of betel nut tree:Betel nut is the first choice because it is extremely easy to live and suitable for cool environments, so it grows very well and does not take much care. Good deodorizing ability and toxic gas.

Betel nut tree

Ly Thuong Xuan:As a type of vines with little sunlight combined with shade, ivy thrives in a cool environment, the plant has the effect of killing bacteria, filtering the air and repelling mosquitoes effectively.

Leader of the evergreen tree

4. Cooking roomGreen plants help to eliminate harmful substances for the baby to feel fresh and comfortable, the spirit of refreshment is more delicious, the more delicious the food is, put a potted plant in the kitchen to purify the air and deodorize the food. However, the plants should not be too affected to move as well as stuffing during the cooking process, choose compact trees and should be placed away from the kitchen to avoid fire so that the plants can grow in the best way. Should choose scented plants to both filter the air and deodorize well: mint, rosemary, aromatic cedar, musk,… Besides choosing fragrant plants, you can also choose The plants are compact but very good air purifier such as:

Leader of the Cactus:The compact Cactus Willow is suitable for the space of the kitchen, the Cactus has a strong meaning to neutralize the killing intent outside, the remaining Cactus fossils are lucky and prosperous for the owner.

Leader of Stone Lotus:Stone lotus is compared because of its compactness but quite beautiful, moreover, it can also absorb radiation from phones, computers, televisions, etc., suitable for the miniature space of the kitchen, not in use. too much area but shrink the green space for the family.

Leader of the Stone Lotus tree

5. Bedroom”Eat and sleep is a fairy” the above proverb speaks to the vision of sleep, according to research sleeping sleep accounts for 36% of each person’s life ᴛι̇ɱe, that is, we spend 1/3 of our life at work. Sleep. Stress, anxiety, air pollution also affect your sleep quality. Put indoor plants in the corner of your bedroom wall to purify the air, create a green space to reduce stress, straight Sleep better and deeper.

Leader of the tiger tongue tree:Come to the tiger, we often think of its ability to filter the air, absorb 107 toxic gases, absorb formaldehyde and nitrogen oxide. At night, rotating the tiger’s tongue has the ability to absorb CO2 and release O2 to help relax the mind, creating a good and deep sleep.

Order of betel nut la Lo:

Not only beautiful in appearance, the ability to purify the air of Betel nut is second only to Tiger Tongue. They grow well in a lack of sunlight, so they are placed as decorative plants for bedrooms.