“Popular flowers: Flowers that are easy to grow and evoke childhood memories”

The flower that carries a childhood dream

It is this flower that is not alien in the childhood of ɱaпy people. Because they are pretty, easy to grow, easy to play, easy to make happy squeaks when watching the branches of vines grow like day by day.

This bonsai has ɱaпy names such as fairy filament, aspen, fairy-haired climbing star, but I still like the simple name: star flower.

This flower is not alien in the childhood of ɱaпy people. Artwork floridaseeds

Remember, when I was 6-7 years old, I picked up the black seeds of the star flowers, buried them in 1 small earthen pot and waited for the bright green sprouts to rise.

This flower grows very quickly, only a few days are already long. I hurriedly pulled out some fence sticks, inserted them into pots, and the bonsai immediately clung to and rose.

It can be said that this bonsai grows day by day, you can see them grow longer clearly. In just 2-3 weeks, I had 1 bush of green star flowers with beautiful tiny leaves and the flowers began to emerge, spreading into the shape of a brilliant five-pointed red star.

The red petals are fragile, velvety, look very beautiful. Flowers bloom abundantly, crimson, stand out against a background of green leaves. Wallpaperflare artwork

This is probably the fastest flowering ornamental plant of all flowers, taking only 3-4 weeks from seed gjeo to full bloom.

The red petals are fragile, velvety, look very beautiful. Flowers bloom abundantly, crimson, stand out against a background of green leaves. When my dad built me a tiny house next door, vines immediately covered the house, covering the house with cool blue and twinkling star flowers.

For kids like me that day, every flower was like a smile. The dream of a beautiful and happy home is probably also cherished from there.

As the flowers faded, buds and fruits dried, I began to take the seeds to sow new potted plants, toiling for years of my old childhood.

The sparkling, bright red stars of this flower are etched in the memories of ɱaпy people. Etsy artwork

To date, star flowers have been rarely grown as ornamentals. Perhaps because the life cycle of flowers is short, flowers need a lot of care because otherwise they will grow cumbersome, climb everywhere, the flowers are also tiny, not luxurious enough, stand out.

But the sparkling, bright red stars of this flower are etched in the memory of ɱaпy. For me, over the past 40 years I have planted ɱaпy bonsai but that “first” bonsai still distracts me when I ask for it.

After all, in huɱaп life, the first ᴛι̇ɱes always leave the deepest impression.

The tree can climb from 1-3m high. The branches are smooth, soft and glossy green. Artwork monticelloshop

Features of star flowers

Star flower, commonly known as Cypress vine, red cypress vine, Indian pink, star glory, hummingbird vine, scientific name is Ipomoea quamoclit belongs to the Convolvulaceae family.

Although this ornamental plant has been cultivated in Vietnam for a long ᴛι̇ɱe, according to scientists, they are native to tropical South American countries.

Starflower is a herbaceous plant, growing in the form of a creeping bush with ɱaпy branches. The tree can climb from 1-3m high. The branches are smooth, soft and glossy green.

This star-shaped flower can be red or white, pink. Wallpaperflare artwork

The leaves are 3-11cm long and shaped like a feather, each leaf is split into 10-20 subbranches called leaf lobes.

This star-shaped flower can be red or white, pink. Red petals are velvet. Each flower is about 2.5-5cm long including the petals fused into narrow tubes below the flower head.

Usually, red star flowers are more common, but white or pink flowers you will rarely see. The fruit of the plant has 4 seeds, oblong egg-shaped.

Although this bonsai is an annual, lasting only one season, its self-seeding ability allows it to grow back on its own the following year, so it can also be considered a perennial ornamental plant.

They will bloom again after about 1 month of sprouting. Wallpaperflare artwork

This flower will die out in winter but spring grows back and grows quickly, flowering wave after wave until the 1-year life cycle ends.

When the flowers fade, the fruits are fruitful and dry, they immediately sink into the ground and grow right back when the weather is warm. In warm places they will fade and grow all year round. They will bloom again after about 1 month of sprouting. Because of this property, star flowers, although very fragile, are actually strongly invasive.

This is an ornamental plant with moderate toxicity to huɱaпs, cats, dogs and horses if ingested them. However, this flower attracts butterflies and hummingbirds so strongly that their English name is also called hummingbird vine, meaning hummingbird vine.

However, this flower attracts butterflies and hummingbirds so strongly that their English name is also called hummingbird vine, meaning hummingbird vine. Pexels artwork

The meaning of the star flower

Star flowers have a cool blue color, intense vitality, star flowers symbolize hope, success. Therefore, this flower is a symbol of good luck and full of hope of people too.

Planting a vine trellis such as star flowers indoors, on the balcony or in the garden will give you a pleasant, light, youthful feeling.

That’s not to mention ɱaпy people’s sweet childhood memories of this childhood-attached flower.

This bonsai can also be grown indoors, but be sure to create a staging for them to climb.

Due to its extremely good climbing ability, you can plant star flowers in ɱaпy places such as balconies, fences, forming climbing trellises, columns, fences, gate arches for bonsai to climb, creating greenness and beauty for your home.

This bonsai can also be grown indoors, but be sure to create a staging for them to climb.

In addition, the fairy filament is also used as medicine in medicine for snake bite venom, boils,…

This flower is a true creeper if there is no object to lean on, they will crawl ɱaпgo into the ground very badly.

How to plant a star flower bonsai

Once you have decided where to plant this flower, the next step is to make trellises, as a support for them to climb. This flower is a true creeper if there is no object to lean on, they will crawl ɱaпgo into the ground very badly.

This bonsai is also fragile and prone to crushing and breakage, so be careful when bending the vines in the direction you desire.


This flower needs full sun to bloom. Providing it with proper support to climb (so that it is not shaded by nearby trees) is important so that the plant gets enough sun.

The starflower, once planted, is quite drought resistant and can usually grow without much fertilization.


Of the three recommendations for soil conditions (fertile, well-drained and evenly moistened), good drainage is the most important.

The starflower, once planted, is quite drought resistant and can usually grow without much fertilization. But soil that does not drain well will be harmful to the plant.


For ideal plant growth, water to keep the soil evenly moist (but not soggy).

Temperature and humidity

Star flowers will grow larger and stronger if properly balanced fertilizers are applied. Farmseller artwork

The plant can tolerate temporary drought but prefers moderate moisture (without waterlogging). This flower can tolerate extreme heat but will quickly wither in cold temperatures.

Phân bón

Loài hoa sao sẽ phát triển lớn hơn và chắc chắn hơn nếu được bón phân cân hợp lý.

ᴄắᴛ tỉa

Vì loài hoa sao phát triển quá nhanh nên nó có thể bắᴛ đầu mọc dày đặc và trở nên quá dày đặc, tạo điều kiện cho sự ẩm ướt và các vấn đề tiềm ẩn về bệпҺ tật.

This flower can be easily propagated by letting it seed itself. Pexels artwork

So, prune as needed so that the plant expands a bit and allows air flow to circulate.

You can also prune to keep the plant at the desired height, but this will be a continuous effort throughout the growing season as the plant grows quickly.

During winter, cut off dead branches so that when the plant grows back in the spring it will not be hindered.


This flower can be easily propagated by letting it seed itself. Just leave the seeds on the withered tree, the seeds will naturally sow themselves in the ground.

Because this ornamental plant has the ability to self-seed, they are also strongly invasive against other ornamental plants

If you want to plant this bonsai in another location, just gather the seeds and bury them in moist soil and the plant will quickly grow back.

Since this bonsai is capable of self-seeding, they are also strongly invasive against other bonsai, so clean it regularly so that not too ɱaпy seedlings grow in the ground.

How to make this flower bloom the most

This flower rarely needs to make efforts to sᴛι̇ɱulate blooming, but if your starflower plants seem few flowers then you need to provide them with conditions such as:

This flower rarely needs efforts to sᴛι̇ɱulate blooming.

– Ensure adequate sun exposure.

– Make sure the soil is not too wet.

– Keep the soil as loose as possible (avoid compaction).

– Add fertilizer.

Common problems with star flowers

You can invite your children to play star flower planting to watch them grow up day by day, it is also fun. Artwork floridaseeds

Starflower vines look fragile but they are sturdy and relatively few health problems. If you notice yellowing of the leaves, it may be due to a lack of sunlight or excessive watering.

Make sure to expose bonsai to the sun and drain in the soil properly, you will have no problems with this resilient plant.

I won’t stop loving this flower imprinted with childhood memories, what about you? You can invite your children to play star flower planting to watch them grow up day by day, it is also fun.