What to do before Tattoo Ink Session
It’s a common assumption that the primary responsibility for the tattoo session’s outcome lies on the artist. Yet, ɱaпy factors depend on you. So, what to do before getting a tattoo? Make sure that you cover all the points disclosed below:

Keep your body hydrated. You are well aware of how to get a tattoo since you may have done it before or watched others get it. Despite your familiarity with the process, one thing that could have escaped your attention is how hydrated and dehydrated skin reacts to ink. Well-hydrated skin absorbs the ink a lot better than dehydrated. Thus, you should ensure unlimited water consumption 24 hours before the sesh. What is more, keeping a bottle of water next to you throughout the session and sticking to the routine afterward will help your skin heal better.

Shave. It is impossible to tattoo an area with a lot of hair covering it. That is why you should do the honors and shave the area before you head to the salon. However, if you have little experience in the field and worry that you may cut yourself in the process, you should let your tattoo artist know so that they shave the area for you. Should you be open up for a waxing session, you need to schedule it a few days before the tattoo appointment so that your skin has a chance to heal well.

Take a shower. No matter how obvious the tip sounds, you’d be surprised how ɱaпy people skip on it. The main reason we emphasize taking a shower before you head out to the salon is that the process will leave small cuts and opens on your skin, so it is crucial that your body is as clean as possible and has the tiniest chance of infection is ruled out.

What You Shouldn’t do Before Ink Session
Credit photo: instagram.com/ayhankrdg
When you are starting to brood upon how to prepare for a tattoo session, you should keep in mind that there are things you shouldn’t do before heading to the salon. Let’s review the don’ts quickly.

Damaged tissue. Whether it is a small cut, burn, or fresh tan peeling off – you should reschedule your tattoo appointment. The main reason for that is that your tattoo won’t heal well when your skin is already dealing with trauma. If you want your ink to look like it is supposed to, you will keep that in mind above all.

Touch your tattoo. No matter how tempting it is to poke, stroke, and touch your fresh ink or the tools used in the process – don’t! All the instruments used are most likely sterilized to eliminate any chance of infection and related complications, and you don’t want to change that. Touching the tools or the fresh would with your fingers may transfer all sorts of infections, which is not the outcome you count on.
Cancel. Force-Majeure happens, and there is little we can do about them. However, if you can’t prevent that – try not to cancel your session at the last minute. If you value your relationship with the artist, you will try to warn them in advance, at least.
During Your Tattoo