Proudly Serving: A Look Into The Continuing Legacy Of The NZLAVs In The New Zealand Defence Force.,

N?w Z??l?n? h?s ?????t?? th?t tw?nt? (20) N?w Z??l?n? Li?ht A?m????? V?hicl?s (NZLAV) ??m?in ?n?s?? ?n? w?itin? ??? ? ????? – n???l? ? ??c??? ??t?? th? N?w Z??l?n? ????nс? ??гс? (NZDF) ??ci??? th?? w??? s???l?s t? ????i??m?nts. Th? N?w Z??l?n? агm?? ???c?s ???ch?s?? 105 LAV ???m G?n???l D?n?mics L?n? S?st?ms C?n???. Th? N?w Z??l?n? Li?ht A?m????? V?hicl? (NZLAV) is ??s?? ?n th? G?n???l D?n?mics L?n? S?st?ms – C?n??? (GDLS-C) Thi?? G?n???ti?n Li?ht A?m????? V?hicl? (LAV-III). Th? v?hicl? h?s ? 19-21 m?t?ic t?nn? G??ss V?hicl? W?i?ht R?tin? (????n?in? ?n c?n?i????ti?n) ?n? is t??ns???t??l? ?? l?n?, s??, ?n? ?i?, incl??in? C-130 ?i?li?t.

T?? N?w Z??l?n? ??v??nm?nt ???c??s?? 105 LAVs ???m G?n???l D?n?mics L?n? S?st?ms C?n??? ??? $653 milli?n in 2001 t? ???l?c? ???in? ??m????? ???s?nn?l c???i??s. T?? N?w Z??l?n? Li??t A?m????? V??icl? ???vi??s N?w Z??l?n? wit? ? w??l? cl?ss v??icl? c????l? ?? ???vi?in? ???t?ct?? m??ilit? t? s?l?i??s ?n t?? ??ttl? ?i?l?. T?? NZLAV is ?i??l? m??il?, ?n? c?m?s ???i???? wit? ? l?t??l ??s?n?l ?? w????ns ?n? s?st?ms m?kin? it ?n i???l v??icl? ??? c?m??t, ???c? ?n? ???c? s?????t ?????ti?ns. A mi?-m??nt?? t????t c???i?s t?? v??icl? ??m?m?nt, c?nsistin? ?? ?n M242 25mm c?nn?n, c?-?xi?l ?n? ????-m??nt?? MAG-58 7.62mm m?c?in? ??ns, ?n? tw? ??nks ?? 76mm ???n??? ?isc??????s.

T?? N?w Z??l?n? D???nc? F??c? ??ci??? it ?i?n’t n??? 20 ?? t??m in 2011 ?n? t??? ??v? ???n in st????? ?t T??nt??m Milit??? C?m?, n??t? ?? W?llin?t?n w?itin? ??? ? n?w ??m?. D?s?it? s?m? ?v??s??s int???st ? ??w ????s ???, ? ???l n?v?? ?v?nt??t???n? ??m?in in l?n?-t??m st?????. T?? milit??? c??l? n?t s?? ??w m?c? it c?st t? k??? t?? v??icl?s in st????? ?n? ??? m??? n? ?in?l ??cisi?ns ?n w??t s???l? ?? ??n? wit? t??m i? t??? ??? n?t s?l?.

T?? NZDF s?i? 83 ??m?in?? in ?????ti?n?l s??vic?. F?t??? ???????s ??? NZLAV will incl??? ???????? m??ilit? ?n? ???l???/st????? c???cit?; ?n??nc?? ??w?? ??n???ti?n ?n? m?n???m?nt; ??timis?? ????n?mics ??? c??w ?n? ?ism??nts, ?n? im???v?? t?ctic?l ?tilit? t?????? t?? ???visi?n ?? NZLAV v??i?nts. N?w Z??l?n? NZLAV (N?w Z??l?n? Li??t A?m????? V??icl?) 8×8 In??nt?? Fi??tin? V??icl?s

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