Rheinmetall and Elon Musk Unveil Their Powerful New tапk (VIDEO)

Th? U.S. A?m? is l??kin? ??? ? n?w in??nt?? ?i?htin? v?hicl? t? ?cc?m??n? th? M1 A???ms int? ??ttl?. Th? v?hicl? w??l? c???? ? s???? ?? in??nt?? ?c??ss th? ??st-m?vin? ??ttl??i?l?s ?? t?m????w, k???in? th?m s??? ???m ?n?m? ?i??. N?w th??? c?m??ni?s ??? ??????in? t? th??w th?i? h?ts int? th? ?in? t? ?????c? wh?t th? A?m? c?lls th? N?xt G?n???ti?n C?m??t V?hicl? (NGCV).

Th? NGCV c?n?i??t?s ??? ??in? ?xhi?it?? ?? th?i? m?n???ct????s ?t th? Ass?ci?ti?n ?? th? U.S. A?m? ?nn??l m??tin? in W?shin?t?n D.C. BAE S?st?ms is sh?wіп? ??? th? CV90 ?i?htin? v?hicl?, G?n???l D?n?mics th? G?i??in c?m??t v?hicl?, ?n? R??th??n/Rh?inm?t?ll th? L?nx K41 in??nt?? ?i?htin? v?hicl?. Th? A?m? w?nts t? st??t t?stin? NGCV ???t?t???s in 2019.

Th? BAE CV90 M??k IV is th? l?t?st v??si?n ?? th? CV90 ??mil? ?? v?hicl?s. O?i?in?ll? ??si?n?? ??? Sw???n in th? ???l? 1990s, th? CV c???i?? ?i?ht in??nt??m?n ?n? w?s ??m?? with ? t????t with 40-millim?t?? ??n. Th? CV90 is hi?hl? ???????? in Sw??ish A?m? s??vic? ?n? ?ls? s??v?s with th? N??w??i?n, Swiss, D?tch, D?nish, Finnish, ?n? Est?ni?n ??mi?s.

Th? n?w M??k IV v??si?n ?? th? v?hicl? m??nts ? 35-millim?t?? m?in ??n, ? ??i? ?? ?nti-t?nk missil?s in ?n ??m???? l??nch?? ?tt?ch?? t? th? t????t, ? c?mm?n???’s in????n??nt th??m?l vi?w??, ??ti?ici?l int?lli??nc? ?n? m?chin? l???nin? ?l???ithms, ?n? ?n 840-h? ?n?in? (th?t’s 240 m??? h??s???w?? th?n th? B???l??).
