The phrase holds a unique significance for tattoo artist Sara Rosa Corazón. She believes that overlooking even the smallest details in a tattoo project can detrimentally affect the final outcome. That’s why extensive planning is as crucial to the Spanish tattoo artist as the technical execution of the eventual tattoo.
Despite her continuous pursuit of the best possible result, Sara Rosa is aware that perfection in the tattoo world is unattainable. “The very imperfection is what makes tattoos incredibly special. This imperfection arises because tattoos are created by huɱaпs on huɱaпs. Every skin is different, every tattoo artist is different, and every new day is different. The results may be an effort to achieve perfection, but they are always imperfect and hence, wonderful one-of-a-kind pieces.”

While Sara Rosa is self-taught, she has always had a unique connection to art and active support from her mother, an artist and teacher. “It wasn’t as if I woke up one morning and was suddenly a tattoo artist. It was a long journey with ɱaпy helpful people, decisions, constant learning, and a bit of fate.”
Even now, in all that she does, Sara Rosa still considers herself an apprentice. She constantly strives to learn more, and according to her, this is only possible if one maintains an attitude of a student rather than a master. The best advice for her later career came from her mother, who once gave her a book filled with botanical illustrations. Her mother inscribed a dedication: “Whenever you feel devoid of inspiration, return to nature.” Every ᴛι̇ɱe Sara Rosa feels internally empty, she observes nature and her creativity rekindles. “The colors, shapes, patterns, and mechanisms of plants and animals always have something exciting to narrate and exhibit.”
Currently, Sara Rosa Corazón works at the Black Ship tattoo studio in Barcelona, Spain.