Try these easy-to-grow flowers for your garden and watch your beginner’s thumb turn green.
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Plant Easy-to-Grow Flowers, Sit Back and Enjoy the Show
You hear it so often, it’s a cliché. “I want to grow beautiful flowers for my garden, but everything I plant dies.” Dead outdoor plants can happen for ɱaпy reasons. Someᴛι̇ɱes, we plant flowers for the garden that need more sun or shade than we can give them, or there’s a drought, or pests and diseases move in and send our poor dahlias, roses and other flowering plants to the compost pile.
Instead of trying to grow needy outdoor plants, opt for some easy flowers to grow, such as sunflowers and morning glories. You can find easy-care flowering perennials for season-long color, and, when they’re finished, fill in with annual flowers for year-round color. Read on for more “can’t-kill flowers” for beginners to grow.