“Strategic Shift: Norfolk-Based Warships Spearhead Ongoing US Military Buildup in the Middle East.”

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NORFOLK, Va. — The massive U.S. military buildup in the Middle East continues, with thousands of sailors and Marines aboard numerous Norfolk-based warships potentially playing key role in what happens next.

The Norfolk-based USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group is headed toward the Eastern Mediterranean Sea after transiting the Strait of Gibraltar on Saturday, as depicted in photos released by the Navy, all part of the ongoing U.S. buildup.

“In the Middle East, the Department remains squarely focused on supporting Israel’s defense needs in the make of Hammas’ terrorist attacks, deterring a broader regional conflict and ensuring force protection for our troops serving in the region,” said Pentagon spokesɱaп, Brigadier General Pat Ryder, during a news conference last week.

In addition to the namesake aircraft carrier, the Ike Group includes the Norfolk based guided missile destroyer USS Gravely, and the guided missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea.

Strike Group leaders said, as the ships prepared to depart 16 days ago, that the team is prepared for whatever it may encounter.

“The strike group is prepared to pivot, answer tasking as our nation’s leaders determine a balance of mariᴛι̇ɱe capability across theaters in support of national security priorities. While the global environment is dynamic, especially with recent hostilities, the Ike Carrier Strike Group team has proven itself resilient, prepared to execute and capable of carrying out its mission across all warfare areas in short order,” said Rear Admiral Marc Miguez, Carrier Strike Group Two Comɱaпder.

Additionally, USNI News reports that Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard the Norfolk-based USS Bataan and USS Carter Hall entered the Red Sea from the Gulf of Aden last Friday.

Already on the scene in the Eastern Mediterranean is the Norfolk-based USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier strike group.

It deployed from Hampton Roads back on May 2.

But, on October 17, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin extended the Ford deployment.