Terrible! Contrary to speculation, the girl’s unusually youthful appearance is not due to pregnancy

Huang Guoxian, a 36-year-old woɱaп, really feels like she is expecting family. And given the size of his belly, one might even believe that there are several of them in there. But this is not the case. This poor lady actually suffers from cancerous lumps that caused her to swell her belly in this way. She had to undergo several operations.

You might think she’s expecting quintuplets, but this woɱaп is actually sick. Huang Guoxian has been living for two years with 40 kilos of cancerous piles lodged in his belly. A very rare and delicate situation that requires several operations, which the young woɱaп was looking forward to. It was ovarian cancer that caused this abnormal deformation of his body, as reported by the Mirror.

Touched by her story, ɱaпy people mobilized to raise money, and it is almost 12,000 euros that this woɱaп was able to receive from kind donors. Since her operation is supported by the state, she wants to use this money to “start a small business as soon as it recovers”.

No fewer than 15 doctors looked into his case during an eight-hour operation last Tuesday. The hospital told local reporters this week that the procedure had been a success. Huang lives in rural Guizhou Province. Her husband works and lives in a big city, leaving her to take care of their son and daughter alone.

In 2018, this woɱaп’s belly was flat. Hard to imagine when you see these photos. This disease gradually handicapped her, as she could no longer properly care for her children, so she appealed for help. Fortunately, she was heard!

« Cette opération a été relativement réussie. Nous allons devoir voir comment elle va se rétablir. Après tout, [sa santé] a été sérieusement affectée par [l’état] de santé précédent » a déclaré l’anesthésiste Huang Yuqiong à la station de radio et de télévision de Guizhou. Les médecins ont retiré des tumeurs et du liquide pesant environ 10 kilos. C’est encore bien loin du poids total de cette tumeur qui pèse presque aussi lourd qu’elle-même. Suite aux diverses aides qu’elle a reçues, Huang était reconnaissance « Je ne pensais pas qu’une agricultrice aussi ordinaire que moi pouvait recevoir autant d’attention de la part de la société », a-t-elle avoué en pleurant.

Source: Daily Mail