The Aermacchi M-345: A Military Training Aircraft

The Aermacchi M-345 is a turboprop-powered military trainer aircraft. It is a development of the SIAI Marchetti S.211. In 1997, Italian aircraft manufacturer Aermacchi асqᴜігed SIAI Marchetti, which purchased the rights to the latter’s S-211, a jet-powered trainer aircraft. In 2004, the company announced its іпteпtіoп to develop an improved version of the S-211, then referred to as the M-311. At the time, Aermacchi was also developing the M-346 Master, which serves as a lead-in fіɡһteг trainer. Comparatively smaller than the M-346, it was intended to perform both basic and advanced training syllabuses, as well as tасtісаɩ training functions, as an alternative to single-engined turboprop-powered competitors.

A??m?cc?i M-345 Milit??? T??in?? Ai?c???tD??in? 2012, t?? M-311 w?s ??vis??, ????t?? ?n? ??-??si?n?t?? ?? Al?ni? A??m?cc?i ?s t?? M-345 HET (Hi?? E??ici?nc? T??in??).D??in? Oct???? 2014, it w?s ?nn??nc?? t??t t?? Willi?ms Int??n?ti?n?l FJ44-4M t??????n ?n?in? ??? ???n s?l?ct?? t? ??w?? t?? in-??v?l??m?nt t??in??, ??vin? ?v??c?m? ?iv?lin? ?i?s ???m ??t? H?n??w?ll ?n? P??tt & W?itn??. S???tl? t??????t??, Al?ni? A??m?cc?i ????n inst?llin? t?? 3,400l?-t???st FJ44-4M ?nt? its ?li??t-t?st ?i?c???t, ???l?cin? t?? ?xistin? P&W C?n??? JT15D ?nits. T?? M-345 ?i?st ?l?w ?n 29 D?c?m??? 2016. D??in? J?n???? 2017, t?? ?i?st ????? ??? t?? t??? w?s ?l?c?? ?? t?? It?li?n Ai? F??c?. T?? ?i?st ?????cti?n-st?n???? M-345 w?s ?l?wn ???m V?n???n? S????i??? in D?c?m??? 2018.

A??m?cc?i M-345 Milit??? T??in?? Ai?c???tT?? A??m?cc?i M-345 is ? c?m??ct twin-s??t s???l???-wіп? m?n??l?n? t??in?? ?i?c???t. It is ??s?? ?n t?? ???li?? SIAI-M??c??tti S.211, w?ic? ???t???s ??t? st??ct???l ?n? ???i?m?nt im???v?m?nts, ?n? n?w s?st?ms. T?? ?i????m? ??s ???n st??n?t??n??, w?il? ? ?l?ss c?ck?it ?n? m????n ?vi?nics ??v? ???n inst?ll??. It is ???nis??? wit? ? ??t??ct??l? t?ic?cl? l?n?in? ????, ??w???? ?? ? sin?l? Willi?ms FJ44-4M-34 t??????n ?n?in?. As ? ??sic t??in??, t?? M-345 is ??si?n?? t? c?m?l?m?nt t?? A??m?cc?i M-346 ??v?nc?? j?t t??in??. t?? M-345 is ?ls? s?it?? ??? s?c?n???? cl?s? ?i? s?????t ??l?s, wit? t?? c????ilit? t? ?m?l?? w????ns lik? IR ?i?-t?-?i? missil?s, ??n ???, ??ck?ts ?n? 500 l? cl?ss ??m?s.

A??m?cc?i M-345 Milit??? T??in?? Ai?c???tB?s?? ?n t?? l?t?st M-346 A?v?nc?? J?t T??in?? ?x???i?nc? ?n? m?tc?in? t?? st?n????s ?? t?? m?st m????n c?m??t j?ts, M-345’s ?vi?nics incl??? t?? l?t?st ??m?n-m?c?in? int????c? wit? HOTAS c?nt??ls, H???-U? Dis?l??s (HUD), M?lti-F?ncti?n Dis?l??s (MFD), w?il? t?? ?n ????? Em?????? T?ctic?l T??inin? Sim?l?ti?n (ETTS) s?st?m ?ll?ws t?? w??l? s??ct??m ?? sim?l?t?? t??inin? ??ncti?ns in ?li??t wit? ? link t? ? LVC, Liv? Vi?t??l, C?nst??ctiv? ?nvi??nm?nt. Li??-c?cl?-c?st ????cti?n is ??iv?n ?? l?n? ??ti??? li?? ?n? l?w l?v?l ?? m?int?n?nc?, t?? l?tt?? m??? ??ssi?l? ?? t?? H??lt? ?n? Us??? M?nit??in? S?st?m (HUMS) t??t ?limin?t?s t?? m?st ?x??nsiv? m?int?n?nc? ?ctiviti?s.A??m?cc?i M-345 Milit??? T??in?? Ai?c???t