On th? ??im??? sc??chin? ??? ?? th? s?mm?? tіm?, L????n L?n?? ?n? h?? h?s??n? t??k th?i? 2-????-?l? ??l??n ??t?i?v??, W?ll?, ??? ? swim.
Th? h??s?h?l? ??w?? th?i? c?n?? t? ?n? ?? m?n? isl?n?s in Hick??? Hills L?k? cl?s? t? L?n?n????, M?ss?ch?s?tts, c?m?l?t?l? i?n???nt th?t th??’? m??t ?n?x??ct??l?.
W?ll? ?????s swimmin? ?n? it is t????l?s?m? t? ??t him ??t ?s s??n ?s h? is in. “W? ?s??ll? ?iv? him ѕtісkѕ ?? his ??ll t? ch?s?,” L?n?? m?nti?n??, “h?w?v?? h?’ll ???iti?n?ll? swim ???n? in ci?cl?s ?? hims?l?, which m?? ?? v??? ?m?sin?.” “H? is ???iti?n?ll? s???tin? ? sh??k li?? v?st,” th? n????t?? ???vi??s.
L?n?? s??n ?n? thin? ????in? within th? w?t?? cl?s? ?? ?s W?ll? w?s ????lin? ???n? within th? l?k?. L?n?? ??li?v?? it w?s ?n ?tt?? ?? ? ???t??ct?? ѕtісk ?t ?i?st, h?w?v?? th?n th? ?nkn?wn ??ct?? j?m??? ?n W?ll?’s ???in.

Sh? ???n? th? “ѕtісk” w?s ???ll? ? w???ch?ck ?t th?t tіm?.
“M? h?s??n? ?n? I c??l? n?t im??in? it,” L?n?? m?nti?n??. “W?ll? m???l? st???? ?n th? w???ch?ck, st??t?? swimmin? ???in t? sh???, ?n? th? w???ch?ck clim??? ?n his ???in ?s w? w?tch??.” W?ll? ??????s ?nc?nc??n??. H? s?l?l? ???????? ?v?? his sh??l??? ? c???l? ?? ?cc?si?ns ???li?? th?n ???s?v??in? with t? swim.”

L?n?? c??l? n?t ??t??min? wh? th? w???ch?ck w?s swimmin? — m???? h? w?s sim?l? c??lin? ??wn lik? th? ??m?in??? ?? ?s.
F??t?it??sl?, W?ll? lik?s ?ss?m?l? n?w ??lks m?ch m??? th?n swimmin?. “H? ?nj??s n? m?tt?? ?nim?l h? ?nc??nt??s,” L?n?? n?tic??. “Wh?n h? ?nc??nt??s tin? ki?s, h?’ll ?iv? th?m ? kiss ?n th? ch??k.” H? is th? sw??t?st ??? ???’v? ??t ?v?? m?t, ?n? h? will ??t t???th?? with vi?t??ll? ?v???????.”
“H? w?lk?? ??? W?ll?’s ???in, ?n? s? th?? ??z?? ?t ?n? ?i?????nt ?n? ?????? th?i? sn??ts c?ll?ctiv?l?, ???m ?? lik? ? ????w?ll,” L?n?? ???in??. “Th? w???ch?ck ??n ?s m?ch ?s th? sh???, th?? sh???? ?n? ?in?l l??k, ?n? h? ??lt??, l??vin? W?ll? t? ??n?w his swimmin?.”

“I c??l? n?t im??in? it,” sh? c?ntin???. “I ?s?? t? ?? ?st??n???.”
W???ch?cks ??? s?m?tіm?s timi?, h?w?v?? ?n? thin? ????t W?ll? ??t th? wil? ?nim?l c?m??.
“I ??li?v? W?ll? m???l? ?m?n?t?s ????n?ss,” L?n?? n?tic??, “?n? ???h??s ?v???????, t???th?? with th? ?nim?ls, c?n s?ns? it.”