The journey of the puppy rescued from the sewer to the lovely home

In 2015, while cycling through the countryside in Poland, Ukasz Muniowski and his wife Natalia came across a little dog hiding in a ditch. Upon stopping, they realized that the dog was injured, with her hind legs twitching and not touching the ground. They named her Bobby and were determined to help her. Leaving their bikes behind, they went to her rescue. Describing the incident, Ukasz stated that it was a terrible sight and hard to put into words.

Muniowski recounted an incident where they stumbled upon a huge rock obstructing their way. As Natalia inspected the other side to check if their small dog had made it through, Muniowski started digging with his bare hands beneath it. Even though Bobby, their pet dog, growled, it was only due to the smell. When Muniowski finally ɱaпaged to lift the rock, Bobby placed his paws on it as Muniowski held it in his hand.

After winning Bobby’s trust, Muniowski embraced her warmly and together they cycled towards town to take her to the vet. Despite being malnourished and covered in dirt, it was Bobby’s hind legs that concerned them the most. Muniowski reported that one of her legs appeared to be only barely attached.

According to the vet’s assumptions, Bobby might have been hit by a car or trapped in a game. It seemed like she had been dealing with her injuries for almost a month. Unfortunately, she didn’t have a family to take care of her, and her condition was severe enough that the vet couldn’t guarantee her quality of life.