H???’s Wh?t Y?? N??? t? R?m?m???: Th? h?witz?? th?t t??k th? 40-mil? sh?ts in A?iz?n? w?s ?n? ?? th? A?m?’s ???t?t??? Ext?n???-R?n?? C?nn?n A?till??? s?st?ms. Th? ERCA c?m?in?? th? l?t?st M-109A7 ch?ssis with ? n?w, 30-???t-l?n? ??n.
Th? U.S. A?m? l?st ???? ?i??? tw? 155-millim?t??-?i?m?t?? h?witz?? sh?lls ??t t? ? ?ist?nc? ?? 40 mil?s.
Th? t?st sh?ts ?t Y?m? P??vin? G???n? in A?iz?n? ?n M??ch 6, 2020 si?n?l th? ???innin? ?? ? m?j?? ?v??h??l ?? th? A?m?’s ??till???.
Th? ????n?-c?m??t ???nch is s??n?in? ?illi?ns ?? ??ll??s ?xt?n?in? th? ?i?in? ??n?? ?? its h?witz??s ?n? ??ck?t l??nch??s whil? ?ls? ??v?l??in? n?w, l?n?-??n?? ??ck?ts — ?ll in ?n ?????t t? m?tch, th?n ?xc???, th? ??till??? c????iliti?s ?? ?iv?ls s?ch ?s R?ssi?.

Th? A?m? ???in? th? 2000s l????? ??hin? its m?j?? ?iv?ls in ??till??? ??v?l??m?nt.
Th?t ch?n??? ?s Chin? ????n ?x??tin? m??? in?l??nc? in th? Asi?-P?ci?ic ???i?n. Th? ch?n?? ?cc?l???t?? wh?n R?ssi? inv???? Uk??in? in 2014. Th? A?m? ???l???? ??ck t? E????? tw? ??tt?li?ns ?? ??ck?t l??nch??s th?t it ???vi??sl? h?? with???wn ???m th? c?ntin?nt.
Th? h?witz?? th?t t??k th? 40-mil? sh?ts in A?iz?n? w?s ?n? ?? th? A?m?’s ???t?t??? Ext?n???-R?n?? C?nn?n A?till??? s?st?ms. Th? ERCA c?m?in?? th? l?t?st M-109A7 ch?ssis with ? n?w, 30-???t-l?n? ??n.
Th? A?m? ?x??cts t? ?i?l? th? ?i?st 18 ?? th? ???th??-?i?in? ??ns in 2023.
Th? Y?m? t?st inv?lv?? tw? ?i?????nt sh?ll t???s. An Exc?li??? GPS-??i??? sh?ll ?n? ?n M1113 ??ck?t-?ssist?? ???j?ctil?. Th? M1113, which is sl?t?? t? ?nt?? th? ????l?? ???c? in th? n?xt c???l? ?? ????s, ?xt?n?s th? ?i?in? ??n?? ?? ?l??? M-777s ?n? M-109s t? 24 mil?s.

A n?w ??mj?t-?????ll?? sh?ll th?t ? N??w??i?n ?i?m is ??v?l??in? ???th?? c??l? ???st th? ERCA’s ??n?? ??t t? 60 ?? ?v?n 80 mil?s.
Th? ERCA is th? ?i?st in ? s??i?s ?? n?w l?n?-??n?? w????ns ??? th? A?m?. Th? s??vic? ?ls? is ??v?l??in? n?w ??ck?ts ??? its wh??l?? Hi?h-M??ilit? A?till??? R?ck?t S?st?m ?n? t??ck?? M?lti?l?-L??nch R?ck?t S?st?m.
Th? c????nt, st?n???? G?i??? M?lti?l? L??nch R?ck?t S?st?m ??ck?t ?li?s ?s ??? ?s 43 mil?s. A n?w ?xt?n???-??n?? v??si?n ?? th? GMLRS ?li?s m??? th?n twic? ?s ???.
Th? c????nt, l????-?i?m?t?? A?m? T?ctic?l Missil? S?st?m, which ?ls? is c?m??ti?l? with HIMARS ?n? MLRS, h?s ? m?xim?m ??n?? ?? 186 mil?s. Th? n?w, li?ht?? P??cisi?n St?ik? Missil? — ??? t? ?nt?? s??vic? in 2023 — ???sts ? 310-mil? m?x ??n??.

U.S. Marines with the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit fire an M777 Howitzer during a fire mission in northern Syria as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, Mar. 24, 2017. The unit provided 24/7 support in all weather conditions to allow for troop movements, to include terrain denial and the subduing of enemy forces. More than 60 regional and international nations have joined together to enable partnered forces to defeat ISIS and restore stability and security. CJTF-OIR is the global Coalition to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Zachery C. Laning)
Th? A?m? ?ls? is st???in? ? c?nc??t ??? ? ?i??ntic n?w, t??ck-t?w?? c?nn?n th?t c??l? ?i?? sh?lls ?s ??? ?s 1,000 mil?s.
Whil? l????? in sc?l? th?n ?n? ?xistin? ??till??? ?i?c?, th? St??t??ic L?n?-R?n?? C?nn?n ???sn’t ?ct??ll? ????i?? m?ch in th? w?? ?? n?w t?chn?l???, C?l. J?hn R?????t?, wh? in 2018 l?? th? A?m?’s l?n?-??n??-?i??s m????niz?ti?n ?????t, t?l? B???kin? D???ns?.
R?????t? s?i? th? n?w ??n w??l? ?????w ?l?m?nts ?? ?xistin? 155-millim?t?? c?nn?ns. “I ??n’t w?nt t? ?v??sim?li??, [??t] it’s ? ?i???? ?n? ?? th?s?,” R?????t? s?i?. “W?’?? sc?lin? ?? thin?s th?t w?’?? ?l????? ??in?.”
Th? ????n?-c?m??t ???nch ?ls? is w??kin? with th? N?v? t? ??v?l?? ? c?mm?n h????s?nic ?li?? v?hicl?, which w??l? l??nch ?t?? ? ??ck?t th?n t??v?l 1,400 mil?s ?? ???th?? ?t ? t?? s???? ?xc???in? M?ch ?iv?.
Th? ERCA is ? t?ctic?l w????n th?t’s m?st s?it??l? ??? ?i??ctl? s?????tin? n????? ???c?s. F??th??-?i?in? HIMARS ?n? MLRS l??nch??s ?iv? th? A?m? s?m? ??ilit? t? hit ?n?m? ???c?s w?ll ??hin? th? ???nt lin?.
Th? c?nc??t??l th??s?n?-mil? c?nn?n ?n? th? in-??v?l??m?nt h????s?nic missil?, ?? c?nt??st, c??l? ?ll?w th? A?m? t? st?ik? t????ts s?ch ?s st??in? ??s?s, l??istic?l n?tw??ks ?n? ?i? ??s?s — t????ts th?t, ??????, w??? th? s?l? ??s??nsi?ilit? ?? Ai? F??c? ?n? N?v? ?l?n?s ?n? missil?s.
T????tin? c??l? ??s? ? ????l?m ??? th?s? ???-?w?? t????ts. Acc???in? t? B???kin? D???ns?, th? A?m? is w??kin? ?n ??ti?ici?l int?lli??nc? ?n? wi??l?ss n?tw??ks s? its h?witz??s ?n? ??ck?t-l??nch??s c?n ??c?iv? t????t c????in?t?s ???m th? s??vic?’s ?wn ???n?s ?s w?ll ?s ???m ???n?s, s?? ?l?n?s ?n? s?t?llit?s ??l?n?in? t? th? ?th?? ??m?? s??vic?s.
D?vi? Ax? s??v?? ?s D???ns? E?it?? ?? th? N?ti?n?l Int???st. H? is th? ??th?? ?? th? ????hic n?v?ls W?? Fix, W?? Is B??in? ?n? M?ch?t? S????.
This ??ticl? is ??in? ?????lish?? ??? t? ?????? int???st.