Future Evolution drone will feature artificial intelligence and the ability to make autonomous attacks

Evolution [at the top] can also offer boɱber capability and air superiority – Outreach
The United States will be able to count on a new drone with the ability to maintain airspace supremacy. The project, called Evolution, was created by the General Atomics Aeronautical System, famous for its Predator drones, and makes extensive use of artificial intelligence, being able to carry out a new range of combat missions.
The Evolution promises to attribute to the use of unɱaпned aircraft the capability of autonomous combat, that is, dispensing with a remote pilot.
The concept expands the capacity of use of unɱaпned aircraft, taking advantage of the evolution of artificial intelligence systems in the military field.
“We continue to grow and respond to the rapidly changing world,” said David R. Alexander, president of GA-ASI. “New aircraft in the Evolution series will merge our unique heritage of advanced and affordable UAS [unɱaпned aircraft] technologies with innovative technologies for the future. We are looking at new concepts and never-before-seen aircraft that meet the needs of our customers today and tomorrow.”
While General Atomics has not detailed the future roles of the Evolution, its basic shape is reminiscent of the B-2 and B-21 stealth boɱbers, possibly offering ground attack and eventually air-to-air combat capabilities.
The U.S. military has expanded its use of unɱaпned aircraft in recent years, with attacks against terrorist groups across much of the globe.
Even so, there is, for now, no formal agreement of interest from the United States military for this new family of combat drones, but the model can be a low-cost option given the high cost of acquisition and operation of current fighters and boɱbers.