Top 50 tattoo trends worth watching in early 2023

Scrawled tattoos, motifs from art paintings… will be popular this year.

Inked Mag magazine invited tattoo experts to select the top 13 tattoo trends predicted to explode in 2021. First, motifs from fine art paintings became a source of inspiration for lovers of mysterious art. Some tattoo artists hope they will combine things and make them more subtle on the body. Photo: @kozo_tattoo, @edit_paints.

Inked Mag magazine invited tattoo experts to select the top 13 tattoo trends predicted to explode in 2021. First, motifs from fine art paintings became a source of inspiration for lovers of mysterious art. Some tattoo artists hope they will combine things and make them more subtle on the body. Photo: @kozo_tattoo, @edit_paints.

Inked Mag magazine invited tattoo experts to select the top 13 tattoo trends predicted to explode in 2021. First, motifs from fine art paintings became a source of inspiration for lovers of mysterious art. Some tattoo artists hope they will combine things and make them more subtle on the body. Photo: @kozo_tattoo, @edit_paints.

Piero Fornasetti is known as a master wizard in the design and creation of ornaments. In particular, the portrait of Helen in his works is recognized by the world as an eternal symbol. Some tattoo art lovers have chosen the paintings of this talented artist to depict on the body. Photo: @evakrbdk, winkt.










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