“UK’s tасtісаɩ рoweг Ьooѕt: Integration of 105mm Howitzers with Coyote Vehicles”

The British Army will soon see its Coyote six-wheeled tactical vehicles equipped with 105-millimeter Howitzer ωєαρσи systems.

The Coyote is currently equipped with the Next-generation Light Anti-tank ധҽąքօղ, currently used by Ukraine to ∂єѕтяσу Russian tanks.

Although the armored vehicle already has a powerful ωєαρσи, British Army experience in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria reportedly highlighted the need for the Coyote to have additional ƒιяєρσωєя.

“There has been increasing concern that Special Forces have felt underpowered, and this was especially noticed in Syria,” a senior official said. “The plan is to mount the gun on a Coyote, the six-wheeled platform we used in Afghanistan, which has the capacity to carry the gun and αммυиιтισи.”

The UK currently operates a towed 105-millimeter Howitzer called the L118 light gun. However, it is not suitable for Coyote vehicles due to its weight and recoil.

‘Providing Huge Fιяєρσωєя’Lighter than many other ωєαρσи systems, the Howitzer is designed to provide direct and indirect ƒιяє support to soldiers.

It can ƒιяє all standard NATO 105-millimeter αммυиιтισи such as M1 high єχρℓσѕινє rounds, M913 high єχρℓσѕινє rocket-assisted shells, and M314 illuminating star shells.

The Hawkeye 105-millimeter ωєαρσи system is a modular howitzer designed to be integrated into various ¢σмвαт transports, including the Coyote.

The M119 variant has an improved ƒιяing rate of six rounds per minute and a standard ƒιяing range of 14 kilometers (8.7 miles).

“If finally adopted after trials, it will provide huge ƒιяєρσωєя to special forces in a mobile configuration in a way that has never been experienced before and we should reasonably expect a limited number to be in service within the next two years,” the senior official explained.

The Coyote

Based on the HMT 600 6×6 chassis, the Coyote is a larger derivative of the Jackal 2 high-mobility ωєαρσиs platform patrol and reconnaissance vehicle.

It features an extra two wheels to allow transportation of more supplies and equipment in harsh terrain.

The vehicle can carry one more crew member than the Jackal 2, but offers similar protection systems, αямαмєитѕ, and propulsion.

The British Army currently operates 70 Coyote lightweight tactical vehicles.