Fénix was so weak that he couldn’t even take a blood test at the vet’s office. We gave him an injection of medicine and a blood sugar shot, then gave him a bit of water. Fortunately, he took it well. For the next 48 hours, Fénix was kept in a special room with fluid in his veins at all ᴛι̇ɱes. He had a lower body injury that prevented him from standing, and it was clear that he had been mistreated by huɱaпs.

Despite his pain and suffering, Fénix still ɱaпaged to smile. After two days in intensive care, Fénix’s condition had improved. His blood sugar levels stabilized, and he was able to eat some raw food on his own. His body temperature also returned to normal. However, he still needed support from medicine and bottle feed.

With the right care and attention, Fénix’s health gradually improved. His wound began to heal, and he became more active and playful. His appetite increased, and he finished all his food. His blood test results showed improvement, and X-rays revealed that his broken bones had healed. Fénix was on the road to recovery.

Finally, the day came when Fénix was able to stand up properly and take a few steps. He was still scared of walking, but with some help, he ɱaпaged to take his first steps outside. Fénix continued to improve and gained weight with extra nutrition food. His lower back wounds fully healed, making it easier for him to walk without pain.

Now, Fénix is a thriving dog, getting along well with others in the shelter. He has come a long way from the emaciated dog that was abandoned in front of our shelter. Fénix’s story is a reminder that with the right care and love, even the most neglected animals can recover and thrive.