Water birth moment – Is giving birth in water easier than giving birth naturally?

A fetal ejectiοп reflex that caппοt be cοпtrοlled

As a woɱaп experiences the natural Fetal Ejection Reflex, her body releases a massive amount of adrenaline into her circulation, causing her to typically emerge from the labor trance. Some moms lose all inhibitions and may exhibit emotionally volatile behavior.

The ejection reflex of the fetus may be disrupted by vaginal exams, fundal pressure, the masculinization of the birthing environment, technological monitoring devices, cameras, and even eye contact.

Photo credits: Leesburg Birth Photographer

This spike of adrenaline induces strong, forceful contractions that drive the baby from the uterus towards the birth canal when it is released. The pressure on the baby’s head in the vagina triggers the Ferguson reflex, which is the involuntary expulsion of the baby caused by the sᴛι̇ɱulation of nerves in the pelvic as the baby descends the birth canal.

FER may occur in numerous postures and is more prevalent in calm, secluded, and dark environments. – The individual giving birth will often claim that they are not doing anything, but their body is. – Some individuals indicate that this form of pushing feels nice, while others claim that activity-based pushing during this phase feels better. There is no incorrect method.