Where do blue jays live? What to eat? How much does it cost?

The jay is a bird with an extremely eye-catching and striking appearance. Currently, this bird is chosen by ɱaпy people for ornamental keeping. And to answer the question: Where do blue jays live? What to eat? How much does it cost? then invite you to Runghoangda.com to find out in detail through the following article. Please.

1. Blue jay bird introduction

The blue jay, scientifically known as Cissa chinensis, is a breed of bird in the Crow family, but unlike the Crow, this bird has a prominent color on its body and is very attractive. Especially this bird has a very long tail.

Currently, this bird is being hunted and kept by ɱaпy people as an ornamental, simply because they are so beautiful and outstanding. Along with that, this bird possesses a rather slim, rather long size that makes them very suitable for ornamental keeping.

See also: ɱaпdarin bird

2. Features of the appearance of the jay

As a bird of the Crow family, however, they are quite different from other birds in the same family. By their body is covered with a coat with a striking and attractive color.

This bird has a habit of foraging in both tall trees and underground. We usually go foraging during the day and sleep at night on dry branches. The food of this bird is mainly insects such as locusts, africans and hornbills. In addition, this bird can also eat the meat of newly killed animals.

The breeding season for blue jays usually begins in early spring, when warm weather and abundant food help them grow quickly. Each breeding season, the female will give birth to 4 – 6 eggs and will declare after about 22 – 25 days of incubation. The young will be cared for by the parents until they grow enough feathers, then they will learn to fly and begin to live independently.

4. Instructions for raising Blue Jays are not effectiveCurrently, the number of green jays in the wild is not too much, because huɱaп encroachment has created a narrowing of their habitat. Therefore, finding a caption to feed the landscape is not easy.

And if you want to raise a note bird, it takes a bit of knowledge about this bird to help the bird develop stably and efficiently. Because when the chicks are young, their health is weak, so you need to take good care of them. They should be chosen in a combination created with fabric to keep them warm, and lights can be released at night. For food, you should feed them locusts, small Chau Chinh or bird worms, along with them eating bird meal mixed with water. This way the bird will grow faster.

In addition, you should clean the cage clean, remove bird droppings to help prevent bacteria from forming and causing diseases to birds. When the bird is large, you should choose a large cage to avoid damaging its long tail hair.

5. How much does a Blue Jay cost? Where do you buy it?

Currently, the price of this bird on the market is quite high, because the number of birds is quite small. In addition, the price also depends heavily on their appearance and voice characteristics. In our opinion, I understand that the current price of bluebirds ranges from about 2,000,000 – 10,000,000 VND/adult. The remaining birds are worth from 1,000,000 – 2,000,000 VND/bird, however the risks in the raising process will be higher.

When there is a need to buy this bird, in big cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, and Can Tho, finding birds is easier. However, getting a still bird is often quite difficult and ᴛι̇ɱe-consuming. In addition, you can refer to ornamental bird forums on Facebook to find and buy them.

6. Outstanding image of the blue jay birdIf you love this bird, you can refer to their outstanding photos that we share below. Let’s admire the beauty of green jays through the following images: