“Mind-blowing Discovery: 12,000-Year-Old Petroglyphs Unearthed in Mysterious Ancient Indian City”

The natives of northern India discovered an old city. Archaeologists have already begun excavating at the site of the ancient village. This city is at least 4,000 years old, according to preliminary scientific research.

This community was discovered by accident. Because the villagers sought to take sand from such locations, they discovered it.

They also unearthed more minor items, and all of this information was relayed to archaeologists. Larger artifacts were uncovered in addition to these little ones. For example, we have temple foundations, building walls, and statues all from the era of the Gupta dynasty.

Scientists made an impressive discovery not long ago in the city of Maharashtra. They discovered ancient petroglyphs that are at least 12,000 years old, thanks to modern technology. It’s incredible that they come from a really ancient culture that science has yet to discover. For further information, please see the video below: