Share 7 golden rules of technique and care of poinsettia plants


Poinsettias or poinsettia flowers, pink flowers, chimpanzees, red leaves have the scientific name: Euphorbι̇a pulcherrima.

Poinsettias are shrubs with ɱaпy different species. Poinsettias are usually red, in addition to white, pink. Poinsettias mean luck, success, and success. Poinsettias are often planted in decorative pots or flower beds.

Techniques for growing poinsettias :

Planting poinsettias must be planted floating, the root neck is as high as the ground, if planted deeply, the plant will grow slowly or have stem rot.

After planting, water it, if the tree is tilted, rebuild it and add a substrate to the base of the tree

Planting the original tissue, the 1st generation and subsequent generations are similar. When the tree has 7-8 leaves, cut the top to start branching. In poinsettia production, pruning to create canopy is an important technical operation to meet the requirements of consumers. The number of branches/tree is usually preferred: 5, 7 or 9 branches. When the number of branches/trees is less than 3 branches/trees, it is necessary to press the tops so that the tree can generate ɱaпy new shoots, then depending on the buyer’s requirements, pruning and creating a canopy for the pot is required.

The tops cut off continue to use 2nd generation propagation.

Note: For the use of propagating poinsettias by the method of cuttings from tissue plants, only the 3rd generation should be used, if continuing to multiply the next generations, it will lead to seedling degeneration as : accumulation of pathogens, poor growth of plants…

How to care for poinsettia plants :

About the general characteristics: Poinsettia plant belongs to the castor family, flowers in spring. It is a plant that does not like moisture.

Temperature: The best temperature for poinsettias to grow and look beautiful is from 16 oC to 22 oC. If the temperature is below 10 degrees, the leaves fall and die. Or when the temperature is above 25oC, the plant will limit growth, the leaves will wilt and die. Therefore, it is necessary to place the plant in the shade during the day and in the sunlight in the morning.

Light: Light affects the flowering of plants a lot. For the plant to flower well and the bracts to have a nice color, the plant needs a longer ᴛι̇ɱe in the dark than in the light. Therefore, the plant usually flowers in the autumn, when the night cycle is longer than the day. Today, with advanced farming techniques, we can actively create light or dark with a reasonable ᴛι̇ɱe to help poinsettias flower all year round. Poinsettias will be beautiful and durable when placed in the east to catch the morning sun. Avoid direct strong winds.

Amount of water: Poinsettias do not like wet, only tolerate moist soil. Therefore, only water moderately, the pot must drain quickly. Do not water directly on flowers and leaves.

Nutrition : the plant is difficult to re-flower after the first bloom when purchased.

To continue growing live plants, after bringing them into the house to play for a while, we bring the plants out to plant and place the potted plants where there is bright sunlight, limiting the afternoon sun and direct sunlight at noon. Fertilize plants and regularly monitor white planthoppers. The next season the plant will flower, but the bracts are not as dark as before and the number of flowers is very small. Therefore, to save ᴛι̇ɱe and effort, we should discard the tree after playing and buy another tree after about 30 days to 40 days.

Care after the plant has floweredAfter the poinsettias fade , you should reduce the amount of watering again. You can water twice a week so that the plant goes into dorɱaпcy ᴛι̇ɱe.

After the plant withered flowers, poinsettias often inert stem and branches. You can proceed to pruning the tree at this stage to shape the tree. Keeping the plant short, limit its growth by pressing the tops of new sprouts until mid-August.

You continue to water and fertilize NPK twice a week throughout the summer. During the summer the tree has begun to sprout new shoots. When these shoots are about 7.5 to 12.5 cm long, you cut the buds and put them in a sterilized moist sand pot.

Poinsettias are also quite sensitive to cold weather and frost, so bring them indoors when the weather turns cold. You also need to put the potted bonsai at least 12 hours a day in a dark room during the ᴛι̇ɱe when the plant is about to flower again.

Pest control

Pests: Group of leaf-eating pests (green caterpillars, borers, gray caterpillars): Young caterpillars eat the flesh of leaves, leaving the upper epidermis. Adult caterpillars eat young leaves, young tops, and sprouts. Use: Supracide 40 ND 10 -15 ml/ 8 liter bottle, Pegasus 500 SC 7 – 10 ml / 8 liter bottle, Ofatox 40 EC 8 – 10 ml / 8 liter bottle.

Harmful spiders (red double-spotted spiders, white spiders and some other types of spiders): Spiders sting the leaves of the affected area to form small separate yellow-brown spots.When severely damaged, leaves explode yellow, brown, deformed and twisted, leaves are yellow-brown, flowers are deformed or deformed, flowers wither and rot. The insecticidesare: Pegesus 500 EC 8 -10 ml/ 8 liter bottle, Mitac 20 ND 30 – 40 ml/ 8 liter bottle, ortus 5 SC 10 ml/ 8 liter bottle, Vimite 10 ND 10 – 15 ml/ bottle 8 liters…

Jumping Aphids:  Jumping bed bugs are very harmful to poinsettias. Jumping aphids have a sucking mouth, sucking juice from leaves and young buds. Plants are damaged by aphids, slow growth, leaves curl, on leaves there are ɱaпy sticky secretions, black brown, affecting photosynthesis, heavy, leaves will die and dry. Use: Supracide 40 ND 10 – 15ml / 8 liter bottle; Polytrin P-440 EC 15-20 ml/ 8 liter bottle; Ofatox 440 EC 8-10 ml / 8 liter jar.

Thrips:  Young and adult caterpillars suck juice from leaves, severely damaged plants stunted growth. Prevention: Before planting, clean inside and outside the net house, pick up weeds and remove old leaves. When detecting symptoms, one of the following chemical drugs can be used: Bassa 50 EC 15 -20ml/ 8 liter bottle, Match50 ND 10ml/ 8 liter bottle, Suprathion 40 EC 15-20ml/ 8 liter bottle….

Diseases and diseases

Root rot : The disease arises a lot due to improper irrigation and fertilization, and the substrate is often in high humidity. Root neck root rot is brown, peel loose, when uprooting the plant the roots in the soil come loose. Prevention: good treatment of the substrate before planting, use some chemical drugs: Benlate C 15-20g/bottle of 8 liters, Rhidomil MZ 72WP 20 -25 g/ jar of 8 liters, Validamycin 50 SC 10-20ml/ bottle …

Leaf spot disease:  Initial lesions are small round or irregular, light brown, dark brown, scattered on leaf blade along leaf veins, at leaf edge. The disease spreads from the lower leaves to the upper leaves. One of the following drugs can be used to prevent: Anvil 5SC 10 – 15 ml/ 8 liter bottle; Tospin M 70 NP 8 -10 g/8 liter jar; Vimonyl 72 BTN 25 – 30 g/bottle of 8 liters.

Powdery mildew disease:  The disease is white-gray powdery powder, the underside of the leaves turns pale yellow, the disease is the main cause of the disease, in addition, it also harms the stem, the flower branches cause the leaves to fade quickly, the buds rot, the flowers are small and ugly. . Use the following drugs: Ridomil 500 SC 5-8ml/ 8 liter bottle, Score 250 ND 10 15 ml/ 8 liter bottle, New Kausan 16.6 BTN 10 15 g/ 8 liter bottle of water.

Bacterial wilt disease:  Bacteria affect the root part, the disease is white and opaque, the disease is green, often wilts from the base leaf upwards, the petiole is broken with black squash. Use one of the following drugs to prevent: VibenC 50 BTN 20 – 25 g/ 8 liter bottle, Ner Kasusan 16.6 BTN 10 – 15 g/ 8 liter bottle Streptomicin 100 150 ppm.