Unforgettable moment caught on camera: Cheetah takes down prey with a body slam

62-year-old consultant, Deon Hoon, has an interest in photography and his skill can be seen when he captured this incredible sighting of a cheetah kill at Pilanesberg.

Deon told Latestsightings.com the story: “This was only my second sighting of a cheetah kill. I previously saw a kill from beginning to end at Rietvlei Nature Reserve GP.

Some impala sauntered down to drink water but they seemed very alert. The next minute the cheetah attacked. I went into overdrive and clicked merrily along following the action. The adrenaline only kicked in when I reviewed the images back on the camera.

I then only realised that the cheetah went under a bush for a second and the impala got confused and turned back. The unlucky one tried to jump over the cheetah and he caught her in mid-air.

Later the other 2 cubs joined and together they dragged the kill away from the kill site to enjoy their meal. It was the longest 58 seconds ever.