With daring boldness, the leopard appears to be standing on the massive crocodile, teasing and taunting the formidable predator.

Romi the leopard

Romi the leopard walks just inches from a crocodile in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

A leopard has taken her life in her hands by straying very close indeed to a crocodile .

It’s unclear whether the female big cat – named Romi – was brave or stupid, but she made it out alive anyway.

Snapped in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, Romi kicked back and relaxes in the sunshine – just inches from an enormous crocodile.

In fact in some snaps it evens looks like she’s standing on it’s back.

The pair were spotted by photographer Elmar Weiss and tour guide Alfred Korir on the bank of the Mara River in the Musiara Marsh.

Romi the leopard

Romi was spotted near to the killer croc – but didn’t look scared

Romi the leopard

Romi relaxed and looks unperturbed by the reptile

Elmar, 46, of Hamburg, Gerɱaпy, says: “We watched nervously as Romi climbed down a grassy slope towards the edge of the river.”

Leopard are famed for their speeds, running at anything up to 37mph flat out.

Romi the leopard

the duo were spotted by tourists who feared the worst for Romi

Romi the leopard

Romi the leopard walks just inches from the croc